Saturday 17 December 2011

Saw you yesterday... 16th December 2011

this song is dedicated to you... this song say it all...

Monday 11 April 2011

have you ever....

could it be something? could it be a hunch to the strong word call love?
i have no longer have that in mind - it's been a long long time i guess
but every time i saw you go online i really wanna talk to you but i don't know what to say..
i kept on saying i'll greet you on the special events such as your birthday or during the new years but i never did.. i just don't know how i guess..
i don't have the guts to even click you...
oh well....
here goes the song...

Saturday 17 April 2010

i google it - so what?

ok ok this is one habit of mine when well most of my close friends know how crazy curious i am with stuff... so yea...every time i dream of something or at least something interesting and i would love to know what's going on and what's beside the dream so yea i Google it xP ahah i know right....i am one curious little woman so yea last Wednesday i dream that i was walking bare foot and i kept on stepping on this pieces of glasses on the floor and i can feel how painful it is.. than the it changes where i was somewhere on a bed with all the equipment around me so yea i assumed i was in a hospital where i was sat on the bed with my hand on a table where there is a nurse trying to poke my hand the needle trying to inject me with some sort of injection for medical proposes and the needle cant seem to go through and i could see a hole on my hand =s it doesn't hurt a bit than i realize i was being tense and all my hand muscles are tight and not relaxed. so yea i try to relax and in no time the nurse was done she finally injected the medicine in my blood lol and than i realize that i was waiting for my surgery =/ aaaaand i woke up... so as i said aboveee i actually Google 3 things and this is what i get Glass
To see broken glass in your dream, signifies a change in your life. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of an aspect of your life that is in pieces. You will find that a situation will come to an abrupt and untimely end. If you are walking on broken glass, then it suggests that you will be experiencing some heartache or pain.

Injection To dream that you are being injected for medical reasons, indicates that you need to develop yourself on a mental and spiritual level. You are looking for an emotional uplift or need some time to heal. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to "inject" more energy into your walking life.

To dream that someone is forcibly injecting you, represents your negative attitudes about a particular situation/person. It also indicates the influence of peer pressure working against you. You are recognizing that someone is forcing their negative and unwelcome views/values on you.

Operation To dream that you are having an operation, suggests that you need to get something out of your system or cut it out of your life. Perhaps you need to let go of something or change your habits.

Thursday 15 April 2010


ok ok do you really have to hurt my feelings now R? is this how you actually treat me? yea yea thanks and congrats you did hurt my feelings if that's your intention

Tuesday 6 April 2010

memories during kid kid

so yea i was picking up my lil bro and sista balik sekolah ugama just now and say lots of kids that aren't afraid of the cars like they were STOP signal to us the care driver in the middle of the road like whooa?? bepower jua kanak2 karang ane lol so yea..i was laughing about it and saw a girl with her tudung that is soo kedapan that inda nampak kan mata lol just thot of it and say it in my mind "i used to wear my tudung like that" and i laugh so yea i was just gonna share my memories as a kid which is like erm 10++ years ahahah oh oh and i saw the pagar where the stairs were lock so that the unwanted people at night inda dapat masuk lol i used to squeeze through it just to go out even though there is other way to go out =// gauk hahah

Sunday 4 April 2010


guess what happen today >.O i accidentally hit my own finger with an "anak lasung" when i was gonna break the Ice.. i was making ice nescafe lol and yea...useless the picture lol

Saturday 3 April 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010

odd+interesting = life

Things been pretty odd this semester but yea.. going with the flow and interesting too lol fall in and out of that so call place i used to enjoy being in that situation maybe

Wednesday 3 March 2010

somethin' somethin'

*sigh* i don't know but i kinda felt that i don't deserve this i just don't know why. . .